28 may 2011
Jueves Jarcor 3 Especial Zombie!!!
descargalo para que lo lleves a donde quieras!
24 may 2011
Paradoja Soberbia
Pero si un soberbio es quien le hace ver su error, entonces hace al soberbio aun mas soberbio.
20 may 2011
PSN, ay mis hijos... señoras que las multan por el copyright, surviving #cpmx3
13 may 2011
Escribe Un Blog
surge la necesidad de plasmar todo esto mediante las artes que conocemos?
Una de las mas comunes es la literatura, escribir lo que cruza por tu mente, no necesariamente
para que alguien mas lo vea, muchas veces solo es para nosotros, para no olvidarlo y en algún
momento del futuro recordarlo.
Con la llegada del internet la oportunidad que tiene una persona para hacer saber a los demás lo
que piensa aumentó exponencialmente, y aún más con la evolución a la Web 2.0, las herramientas
de publicación al alcance de cualquier usuario con un ordenador y una conexión a Internet.
Usamos Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr, por nombrar los sitios de blogging más conocidos, donde
miles de usuarios se expresan y comparten ideas, somos una generación tecnológica con
necesidades y una de ellas es expresarnos y creo que la respuesta al ‘¿Por qué?’ es porque simple
y llanamente ‘somos humanos’ y es natural que queramos mostrar nuestras ideas, opiniones y
pensamientos, tal vez hasta ganar algunos adeptos a la ‘causa’.
Si tienes la oportunidad te invito a que abras un blog, y escribas, tal vez no quieres que lo lean,
pues la opción existe, tal vez quiera que la gente lo sepa y aun así no te leen, realmente esto no
importa, si te hace sentir bien contigo mismo hazlo, lo considero una actividad sana, a veces
tenemos nuestra cabeza llena de pensamientos y no esta demás ‘liberar un poco de espacio en
nuestro disco duro’.
10 may 2011
Tv no te metas en mi Internet
5 may 2011
Relative conscience about the void
The dude was bored at the statistics class, everyone was making whatever they wanted and always underrated the teacher, he was not agree with that but he couldn’t help, it was too late for trying making conscience into the others minds. So he started writing this thing, ‘thing’ because he didn’t know how to call it, very serious to be called a tale and not too long to be called a novel. Only writing, only putting all this letters together trying to make them match, sounding in your mind at the time you’re reading this. You haven’t noticed it but it has already passed over 1 minute since you started reading. And now the dude it’s at programming. This means that the time it’s relative for me, I can tell you about something that was done a lot of time before or about something that hasn’t occurred yet, amazing, I can tell. But, for you, you’re getting older and older, and you’ll never recover the time you spent reading this.
Well, as I was saying the dude was at the cafeteria having a break time, accompanied by his always loyal friend, they were complaining about the lack of internet they were suffering since the day before. Feeling disconnected from the social life that the internet makes them feel, maybe more interesting than the real social life, the real void social, filled with prejudices and poker faces, filled with the false conscience of truth, a conscience modified with the time and across the generations. These were some of the thoughts that passed through the dude´s mind. Also he thought about love and other drugs, non harmful drugs as the imagination as a way to escape from the unstable reality.
He had more things to do, more important things to do, like remembering he had to breathe every certain period of time, because if he wouldn’t he would die asphyxiated. That was why it was so important.
The hour passed slow and quiet, the air was stocked into the voided rectangle prism that represented the cafeteria, so they felt as there weren’t enough air to breath, you wouldn’t let me lie, if you’d feel that you’d start to get desperate, maybe the paranoia would start to rise and inevitably you would start watching if anyone in the same void rectangle prism is staring at you.
Ok that was weird, maybe awkward but at least you can say I entertained you for 5 minutes. So I hope I’ll see you until the next occasion.